Friday 9 September 2016

first class for final year


Macam kebabom je title tu kan. Tapi tu laa hakikatnya seketul zai dah masuk tahun 3 which is known as senior. Fuuuhh bunyi macam gempak tapi tengok perangai still childish so it wasn't that gempak pon. hahaha.

Fist class class dah menghadap subjek web which is well known as PHP , the language i supposedly used for my past bengkel 1 but end up changed to vb. Oke forget about it. lol

First lecture seketul zai dah buat hal masuk lewat berjemaah dengan housemate sebab masing masing busy breakfast and bersiap dengan sopan dan santunnya. Kitorang duduk je, madam terus  introduce apa itu what is www , html, client site, server site etc. Tapi mostly more to apa dah belajar masa IT sem lepas. This part dah boleh tarik nafas lega sebab tak kena subject shock lagi. 

Since next week holiday which is class and lab cancel, madam dah assign kitorang dengan dua assignment. First create blog with at least one post and second describe personal info and submit thru padlet. After dah brief pasal assignment, madam mintak wakil class to create fb group for her subject bitm 2113. I dont know why dua ketul amin and mirul aim my name, hurm and yaa im the one who take the responsibility to create that group. im just fine with it tapiiiii diorang dua tak habis , "wuuu class rep". Serious talk rasa nak ketuk ketuk dorang dua tu. haihh la my first day.

Ermm tu je rasa pasal first class web, class web kitorng pack woh , and thats why dah niat tak nak datang lambat lagi otherwise you willing to seat at the back or gamble to find the chair. 


                 muka muka bahagia baru lepas habis first lecture on the first day